Android Mobile App Installation


Mobile App Installation for Android

How to install StudentTrac mobile app on an Android device

Installing StudentTrac mobile app on an Android device

  1. Once you receive the Google Drive link by email for the StudentTrac mobile app, click on the link to download and start the install process
  2. Then select Package Installer
  3. You will see the image briefly as the install is prepped
  4. Click on Settings to allow the installation of unknown app through Drive, File Manager or the application where you are getting the source install file
  5. Select Drive, File Manager or the application where you are getting the source install file to allow the installation.  In the example below, Drive will be selected.
  6. Next, select Install
  7. StudentTrac mobile app is now installed.  Select Open to initiate the app.
  8. Once the app has opened, you can then enter your StudentTrac username and password